Brazil: The Politics of Policing Corruption

Mar 4, 2016 | 20:25 GMT

Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who was detained by police March 4.


Early March 4, former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and his close friend and political ally, businessman Paulo Okamotto, were detained for questioning in the 24th phase of the country's anti-corruption probe, known as Lava Jato. Both men have since been released, but the episode will have consequences for da Silva's party and for Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. As the former president, da Silva is one of Rousseff's biggest political allies, and his friendship is all the more important to Rousseff while she is under investigation for her purported role in the Petrobras oil scandal. Some fear da Silva's detainment, and possible indictment, could strengthen the parties in Brazil calling for Rousseff's impeachment. Whatever the prosecutors' motives, the move will have important political ramifications. ...

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