U.S.: Considering Lethal Aid to Ukraine

Feb 7, 2015 | 14:02 GMT

Ukrainian soldiers sit on an armored vehicle south of Donetsk on July 9, 2014.

(Alvaro Ybarra Zavala/Getty Images)


The United States may be moving toward providing lethal aid to Ukraine, a move it has thus far avoided in Kiev's fight against Russian-backed forces in eastern Ukraine. Ukrainian troops could benefit greatly from such assistance from both the United States and other NATO countries, as long as the conflict remains contained within the Donbas region. But lethal aid will not solve Kiev's larger problems of declining troop morale and a lack of manpower, which will hurt its chances of successfully defending against Russia should the conflict escalate.

For its part, Washington is looking to use its assistance to Ukraine to bolster its position during negotiations with Moscow on the Ukraine crisis. As it pressures Russia, the United States will have to tread carefully if it wants to avoid provoking any further retaliation.

U.S. attempts to pressure Russia to end hostilities in eastern Ukraine risk provoking an escalation....

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